Why is the United States getting involved with Russia and Ukraine
The United States sent a fresh shipment to Ukraine Wednesday morning and at the Pentagon up to 8,500 troops are now on high alert for possible deployment to Eastern Europe. This is in addition to the NATO allies who are readying their troops and equipment in support of Ukraine.
This comes as Russia continues to increase more than 100,000 troops along the Ukraine border even after weeks of negotiations with the Russians and even direct communication between President Biden and Vladimir Putin.
Russia continues to deny its planning to invade Ukraine but it certainly appears an evasion could come soon.
This leads many Americans asking why does this need to involve the United States?
Back in 2014 Russia invaded Crimea there are a lot of moving pieces to this on why the United States is involved and why Putin wants to invade Ukraine.
Putin believes Ukraine belongs to Russia and if Russia invades Ukraine that would start a bad effect that could destabilize Europe which would significantly impact and could put NATO in danger.
The United States of course has a NATO obligation under title 5 of the NATO treaty to defend its allies. When looking at support for Ukraine, for years Congress has approved billions of dollars bipartisanly in robust assistance to Ukraine.
Putin has been on a mission to dominate that part of the world and has made it very publicly clear that he is willing to absurd his authority by force or military or cyber or through Russians oil and gas exports.
What Putin doesn’t want is Ukraine and other countries to have the ability to join NATO diminishing his power and influence in that part of the world. On the same side of the token he doesn’t want NATO to expand their power in that part of the world as well. Putin also wants Ukraine never to join NATO.
Are we going to war?
Not yet and maybe never it is important to note that the US and other NATO allies say diplomatic options are still on the table if Russia wants to play negotiation.