Record Number Of People Sign Up For the Affordable Care Act

BBP News
1 min readJan 19, 2023


Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

A record number of people have signed up for the Affordable Care Act in the open enrollment period. According to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid, a record number of 16 million people signed up for the insurance program. That is an increase of 13% or 3 million people.

Most people that are eligible for Medicaid are able to find plans for as little as 10 dollars a month and even in some cases where Medicaid has been expanded like California, Massachusetts, and, New York run their own exchanges that will be open past the January 15th deadline. Those states have the deadline to sign up for January 31st.

Even after the deadline for enrollment, it is worth noting people that who lose their jobs or have very low incomes are able to sign up for insurance throughout the year.



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