More Calls For Governor Andrew Cuomo To Step Down

BBP News
2 min readMar 16, 2021


The investigation into New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is starting to heat up while more politicians are calling for his resignation. The Governor has been accused of sexual harassment by 7 different women.

The most recent woman to come forward of sexual harassment is an anonymous aid to the Governor. She first told the Times Union, a local paper, that he groped her at the executive mansion after asking for help with his cellphone. The situation ended with a police report and the Governor denying the allegations.

Before hanging up on a phone conference with reporters, he said, “I’ve not had a sexual relationship that was inappropriate, period.” The Governor continues to say that he will not resign from his position as Governor of New York.

On Friday Afternoon, Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand released a joint statement saying, “Due to the multiple, credible sexual harassment and misconduct allegations, it is clear that Governor Cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners and the people of New York”.

So far there have been 59 New York lawmakers calling on the Governor to resign. They say it interferes with getting business done, since he is losing more and more support in the political body.

New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio says that he is in the way of combating COVID-19 and has been since the beginning of the pandemic. The Mayor was asked if he was considering running for Governor in 2022. he told the reporter that he’s “more worried about combatting the pandemic”.

Sunday evening on the way back to the White House President Biden said he is waiting for the investigation report before he decides whether or not to call for the governor’s resignation. Jen Psaki, the White House Press Secretary, told reporters in her press briefing she doesn’t believe anyone in the White House has spoken to the Governor.

Charlotte Bennett told TV anchor Norah O’Donnell that she knew the governor wanted to sleep with her. Ms. Bennett’s lawyer told reporters she met with investigators Monday morning and was with them for over four hours and submitted 120 pages of evidence.

In a recent poll in New York, 60% of voters say he shouldnt resign but only one third of voters think he should run for reelection in 2022.



BBP News

Every week hosts of BBP News Podcast Chris Baker and Nick Rodd write about all current events from politics, technology, business and sports news.